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Beyond the Stories

Author Spotlight: Stacey Broadbent

What is an early book / author that inspired you to write? I adored Sherryl Jordan growing up. Her books Rocco and The Juniper Game are two that have stuck with me. The vivid imagery she created was something I hadn’t experienced in books before, and I fell in love with them. I think that was when I first started trying my hand at writing. Of course, back then I never imagined being an author was a possibility. I started off writing poems and songs, then making mock magazines with my sister. It wasn’t until I was in my teens that I started writing stories.

What are you reading now? I just finished reading The Forger and the Thief by Kirsten McKenzie (kiwi author), and have just started Hazel’s Shadow by Nicole Maccarron

What is your best-known work? Here in my hometown, I’m best known for my Super Mum series – a lighthearted humorous series based loosely on my life as a mum.

What are your writing challenges and how do you overcome them? I’m a pantser, so I often don’t know where the stories are going until I write it. This can sometimes cause me to get into a slump if inspiration isn’t hitting. I usually have at least two, if not more, WIPs on the go at once though, so when I’m struggling with one, I can flick to another until inspiration reappears. I’m also a proofreader for other authors, so when I have a full workload, I struggle to find time to work on my own books. I’ve recently started using a fifteen minute timer so I can sprint. It might not be much, but it’s still fifteen minutes more each day  than I was getting.

What are you most proud of? My children, of course! But in the writing community, I’m probably most proud of the things I do to help other authors. I coordinated a charity book signing, three years in a row, called Wham Bam Author Jam. It was my way of introducing readers to the amazing authors we have here. I also run a book box business called A Novel Idea NZ, where I send out book boxes featuring kiwi authors to readers in NZ.

What do you hope people get out of reading your work? Entertainment. I just want to make people smile (or perhaps cry, depending on the book). I want to be an escape for those who need it, and a reminder that you’re not alone out there. 

If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be? Don’t give up. It’s okay to not know the whole plot before you start writing. The fun is in finding your way. Let your characters speak through you.


I’m getting older. It’s a fact I don’t like to admit. In fact, I spend my days desperately trying to hide any signs of aging and clinging to my faded youth. That is until I meet Dallas Mahoney, the silver-haired fox who not only shows his age, but embraces it. And you know what? I like it. I like it a whole lot.

With a big birthday coming up, I’m soon to embark on a new era in my life; the naughty forties. The question is, do I take a leaf from his book and let it all hang out?

#secondchance #romanticcomedy #contemporaryromance #silverfox #FREEonKU

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Who am I? Let me tell you…

I reside in Ashburton, New Zealand with my husband and three children.  I am a qualified proof-reader, author, wife, mother, and self-proclaimed culinary goddess.  When I’m not busy writing or editing books, I enjoy reading and encouraging my children to have a love of books.  My spare time is spent helping to promote other Indie authors on my book review blog, Stayc’s Book Obsession. My latest venture is a book box subscription service called A Novel Idea NZ.  Boxes are sent out four times a year and each one includes at least one kiwi author.

I absolutely love hearing from readers, so please feel free to reach out via email, Instagram, or join my reader group, Broadbent’s Bookish Babes. You can also sign up to my newsletter for up-to-date info on releases.

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