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Enchanting Authors: Isa Pearl Ritchie

Enchanting Authors with magical finger

Happy New Year! (And good riddance to the last).

Welcome to my new series of authors writing fantasy fiction. The first one for 2021 is Isa Pearl Ritchie, an author of speculative fiction from Wellington, New Zealand.

1. Tell us a little about yourself.
I’ve been writing novels for pretty much my whole adult life, over 15 years, though the first two took me years to complete. I’m also an actual witch – or at least that’s how I’m comfortable identifying. I’ve been interested in and involved in witchcraft and paganism for even longer than I’ve been writing. Finally writing a witchy book was quite fun because I could draw on some of my own witchy knowledge and understandings of herbalism as I wrote. I’m also a mother, a trained sociologist and a policy analyst by trade.

2. What’s the weirdest job you’ve had?
I once worked in a cafe for about a week. It wasn’t my first cafe job, but it was certainly the weirdest. The owner was an older British guy who seemed to spend a lot of time drinking tea and complaining about everything. He showed me how to make “iced coffee” by pouring a flat white over a container of frozen water from the freezer and then tipping it back into its coffee cup. On my first day it was just me and the owner. Approximately five people came in every day I worked there despite it being on the main street. On my second day a new girl started about my age (19). The owner left us there alone while he went to play golf, which seemed strange seeing as it was my second day and her first day. On my third day a young woman came in with a baby and asked for some napkins that she could use to help change her baby. I gave her a handful of napkins and she left. The owner was very unhappy about me giving napkins to someone who was not a paying customer. He bemoaned the expense of giving approx 3c worth of napkins away. On my fourth day I’d just broken up with my 2nd worst ever boyfriend and was feeling emotionally and physically unwell. I told him I had to leave. He told me not to bother coming in again. He gave me a cheque for $140 for the 4 days but forgot to sign it, so I had to come back in the following week.

3. Would you rather be able to speak any language or cook any meal?
I can already cook most meals because I’m a total food geek so I guess being able to speak any language would be the best option. My great grandmother was an anthropologist and linguist. She could speak seven languages fluently including Russian and some Polynesian languages. I’m infinitely jealous of this.

4. What overseas country have you enjoyed visiting? 
I really love Rarotonga. It’s a bit like New Zealand but warmer and a lot more cruisy. I love tropical places – the climate is so relaxing and the fruit is so yummy. I don’t think I belong in the cold.

5. Favourite quote from any book

For context – this is from the original Peter Pan book by J M Barrie. Peter is off to rescue Wendy and the Lost Boys from the pirates when he notices that as he passes the crocodile (which had swallowed a clock so usually ticks) it had stopped ticking. Peter decided to start ticking himself, with the unintended consequence that the crocodile follow him…
“…though whether with the purpose of regaining what it had lost, or merely as a friend under the belief that it was again ticking itself, will never be certainly known, for, like all slaves to a fixed idea, it was a stupid beast.”

6. Describe your writing space.
At the moment I don’t have a dedicated writing space because I live in an apartment with my partner and daughter. I either write at the dining table or at the small desk in the bedroom that is usually my partner’s desk. I have an old school desk in the corner of the room but it’s a bit cramped to write at. When we move in in the summer I will have a small office that I can use as a writing space and I’m super excited about it!

7. Do you like one of the characters in the book more than others?
I like the main character in Holloway Witches the most, Ursula, because she’s strong and sensible and she’s determined to pull her life back together, but I also like both her quirky love interests. My other favourites are her grandmother and aunt – the older witches who are wise and eccentric, though they are only briefly in the book. I tend to like all my characters too much and then it’s hard when I have to put them through strife for the sake of the story!

8. What’s your favourite season and why?
I like the part of the year between Summer and Autumn – when it’s generally warm enough to be out and about in jandals and shorts, even at night, but not quite the sweltering heat of mid-summer. I love the colours of autumn the most, and all the fruit – which may be why I set my Holloway Witches in autumn.

9. What’s your favourite spot to visit in your own country?
Raglan. I used to live there and it is a wonderful place. I love the beaches and the forest around where my family live. I love how wild the west coast beaches are, and the relaxed and creative nature of the small town.

10. What sort of witch would you be?
I think I’d be a nature witch… kind of like part of the forest, like Granny Weatherwax, living in a little hut, all clued into the signs of nature and looking out for what’s coming, casting spells with a big cauldron and celebrating the sabbats skyclad with my witchy pals – that sort of thing.

11. How do you stop yourself getting distracted while writing?
I get distracted very easily. Sometimes timing myself and doing writing “sprints” can help me focus, other times I just have to concentrate on my interest in the idea or scene that I’m writing about enough. I really have to follow my interest and the path of least resistance, otherwise there’s no point in trying.

12. If you had to describe your writing in 3 words, what would they be?
Odd. analytical. empath


Click to get Holloway Witches


Isa Pearl Ritchie is a New Zealand writer. She has completed a PhD in social science. She writes novels for adults and for young people. Her second novel, Fishing for Maui, was named one of the best books of 2018 in The Listener Magazine, and was a finalist in the the NZ Booklovers awards 2019.



From Kim: I can highly recommend Holloway Witches. It’s an enchanting story with a definite Practical Magic feel.

Do you write fantasy fiction? If you’d like to be part of this series, drop a comment below.

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