Site icon K Jackways – Author

Flash Fiction for the Purposeful Practitioner

She’d hung the damn painting upside down. Gerald lifted it off and turned it the right way again; brick building at the top, a clear spreading blue along the bottom. And chimneys pointing firmly down.

“Why do you have to paint things up the wrong way and looking through water?” she called. “It’s, well, a bit strange.”

He sighed. “I am but a vessel.”

The next day, he was seized with inspiration and painted the tree in the front yard, branches stretching down to the bottom, old tyre swing pointing up like a hoop. He sloshed blue paint across the bottom edge and the sky dripped from the canvas and pooled beneath.

Dee only clicked her tongue now, when she glanced at the upside down paintings. They brought Gerald so much joy, she thought. She patted his hand and told him she loved him.

Gerald sat in his armchair and waited for the flood.

This was inspired by the above picture prompt. Find out more and join in on the following link:

Flash Fiction for the Purposeful Practitioner is a weekly writing challenge designed for both the flash fiction newbie and the more experienced writer. It is the desire of this challenge to allow writers the opportunity to clear the cobwebs from a more tedious and involved project. Becoming a part of a new and growing writer’s community might be just what the doctor ordered to rejuvenate your writing juices.

Please do let me know if you join in the challenge by commenting below. I’d love to read your entries.

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