Site icon K Jackways – Author

Flash fiction

The whinny of a horse slashed the dusk. Victory songs twisted into prayers as a blur of white invaded the clearing. One young guard, not long out of naps, left to protect the king.
I resisted the urge to fling the board.
“Think you’re gifted at chess, don’t you?”

This is a piece of flash fiction crafted for the Ramere Shorts Twitter challenge. It had to be 140 characters and include the words: blur, fling, gifted, chess, horse, nap, twist, slash.

The webs we weave

The hot venison filled his mouth with saliva. He washed it down with another swallow of lager.

He rubbed his hands together in front of the fire, thinking of sea-green eyes. They had creased with pleasure as the golden fabric flowed through his hands.

The little man let a giggle escape his lips. Tomorrow the plan would be complete. He could almost feel the weight of the baby in his arms, the same eyes staring up at him. Leverage.

A piece of dry pine became his partner in a jig. He slurred, to the frozen forest, “Rumpelstiltskin is my name”.

The above is 100-word flash fiction based on a fairy tale.

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