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Top 3 Posts to Make you Feel the Feels

Each month, around the 20th, I publish a Top Three. I read a lot of blogs and feel so lucky to have the writerly community to bounce ideas off. Who else will understand the torture of plotting at 1am, the flirty brush of 1st person POV and the morning-after hangover of misguided secondary plots?

There are finite words in the universe but endless ways to arrange them, so writers should be supporting each other instead of competing.

In that spirit, please do give these sites a look. I’ve rounded up the best of August in my WordPress community to make you, dear Reader, feel all the feels.

This article from Keda with Ani really resounded with me. I was such a know-all before I had kids but, in hindsight, I knew precisely nothing! It is great to know at least one other mother has gone through the steep learning curve I have.

One thing I really struggle with is writing humour. Britchy should have a warning at the top of her blog as she consistently makes me spit my coffee! Have a read of this Post from Bitchin in the Kitchen about misbehaving at the movies.

This post from Blonde Write More captures the feeling exactly when you are a writer and you neeeed some love but none is forthcoming. Some days, despite writing your heart out, it just feels like everyone else is partying with their agent.

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