A Foot Wrong – 100 word story

prompt tw

Jimmy decided not to jump, that is all he knew for sure. He had stepped back from the edge. He would stop drinking this time.

Now, he shivered at the top of the cliff. The ledge was only a metre of crumbling clay below his feet. Don’t look down.

He wrenched himself up over the edge, muscles burning and fingers struggling for purchase in the soft soil. He took a ragged breath. I am.

One step away. The soft flesh of his foot split on jagged glass. A primitive reflex jolted his body, flinging him towards the simmering ocean.


This is my response to the above prompt. I love writing short short fiction – it’s a real challenge. Join us on Twitter if you want to take part and link up some writing yourself.

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1 thought on “A Foot Wrong – 100 word story”

  1. Love the way you convey a whole story, backstory and gamut of emotions here – I winced when I read the bit about the glass!
    Excellent piece.
    So glad our prompt inspired you. 🙂 xx

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