Top 3 Book Bloggers Who Annoy Me

Knock me down with a wet bus ticket, I am actually planning. Knowing me, I’ll get bored of it but, well, the intention is there. Each month, around the 20th, I’m going to publish a Top Three.

I am so happy about all the great writerly types I’ve met through blogging. Who else will understand the torture of plotting at 1am, the flirty brush of 1st person POV and the morning-after hangover of misguided ideas.

This is my way of supporting some fab book bloggers whose opinions I trust. There are finite words in the universe but endless ways to arrange them, so writers should be supporting each other instead of competing.

So, on to why they annoy me. I have a really big To Be Read pile, so huge that my teeth start to chatter whenever I dare to peek at it. My reading pace at the moment is extremely slow. And I have ZERO willpower when someone recommends a great read. Especially when I know it’s going to be a thought-provoking life-changer.

These are my top three book blogs:

Aesthetically Booked is a visually beautiful site, with reviews of literary fiction and books from diverse perspectives.

Lucy at Lucy Turns Pages blogs about mental health and books, with a focus on the mystery and fantasy genres. Her tips are always spot on for great books to escape with.

Stephanie at Adventures of a Bibliophile reads many different books and gives honest opinions. She particularly loves the classics and anything well-written.

Please check them out but beware, you will come away needing more reading time for all those great books.


5 thoughts on “Top 3 Book Bloggers Who Annoy Me”

  1. I struggle to read at the moment with work, blogging and family. Yet I can devour audiobooks on long car journeys (I work all over the country and drive for hours each week).

  2. Yep great idea. Blogging does take a lot of time. I’m loving listening to Audio books while I cook tea and do the dishes.

  3. Pingback: Top 3 Book Bloggers Who Annoy Me — Writer Side Of Life – aesthetically_booked

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