Books to Escape a Bad Day

Today, I have a guest post from the amazing Lucy over at Lucy Turns Pages. She is an aspiring author from the UK. She reviews books and posts about mental health, gaming and writing. Here, she introduces some escapist books for those days when you just want to be uplifted.

Books can be a great escape. However, they can evoke a variety of emotions and sometimes you don’t feel like reading a book with a sombre mood. Here are three books that have made me feel good and that I read rather quickly.


Fangirl Happy Book


Fangirl, by Rainbow Rowell

Fangirl follows Cath, one part of a twin who has anxiety, writes fanfiction and is starting a creative writing degree. Chapters are interspersed with her fanfiction which is essentially a fanfiction of a book very like Harry Potter with events and some details changed. We follow Cath in her first year of university as she struggles to write something that is creative but not fanfiction and her relationships with family, friends and love. This is one of my all time favourite books, I loved reading about a student with anxiety who loved books and writing and the romance made me grin. I would definitely recommend this one. Cath’s father also struggles with a mental health issue so there is some good representation in here.

The Dating Debate, by Chris Cannon

The Dating Debate is a recent teen contemporary romance that I reviewed. I read this really quickly and loved it. It has a dual perspective, following the two main characters, Nina and West. The characters were interesting and realistic. The chapters are short and I don’t know about you but my mental health can really affect my concentration so short chapters are perfect and tend to keep me reading faster. Additionally, this book featured OCD and hoarding tendencies but it focused more on the effect of these on other people rather than the treatment of the conditions.

The Rules of Rebellion, by Amity Hope

The Rules of Rebellion is another teen contemporary romance that I recently reviewed. This one made me smile and laugh. It follows an introvert called Kylie who writes a list of ‘rebellious’ things that she would like to do. Her friend, Leo, who happens to have a crush on her, finds the list and offers to help her with it. We follow their growing relationship and find out more about them and their families. I loved this one too.

So these are some of the books that I would recommend to escape a bad day. What books would you recommend?

Thankyou so much for sharing these recommendations, Lucy. I look forward to giving them a read.

Find Lucy here:





3 thoughts on “Books to Escape a Bad Day”

  1. The Rules of Rebellion sounds like a fun read!
    I love reading books that take place in a fantasy world when I’m habing a bad day. And Harry Potter is always a good choice for me.

  2. Doesn’t it sound good? I’m reading The Gentleman’s guide to Vice and Virtue at the moment and it’s quite a fun read too.

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