How to Network as an Introvert Writer

Some of us here in New Zealand are a bit excited because the next Worldcon is being held here.

From 29th July to 2nd August 2020, Wellington will be home to Conzealand. As well as writing panels, fun and demonstrations, it will be a chance to meet and network with professionals in the industry.

But not everyone is filled with joy at the prospect of pitching and handing out business cards to people we,ve never met. Here is a handy guide to networking at a convention as an introvert.

Melanie Harding-shaw: How to Network as an Introvert Writer

6 thoughts on “How to Network as an Introvert Writer”

  1. Thanks! It will be my first writing conference. I’m excited but not entirely sure what to expect. NZ just doesn’t get events like this.

  2. How was the conference Kim?

    I have some news I am so excited about! This weekend the first part of the Annabelle Riley story that your prompt inspired is live on Amazon! Part Two is coming soon, I am going to try harder with the cover. Part three is awaiting proofreading!

    I mentioned you in the acknowledgments! I am so glad I saw your prompt and started writing!

  3. Hello! That is so exciting Caramel. I am so ridiculously happy for you 🙂 Was it a big learning curve self-publishing or not too hard?

    The conference hasn’t passed yet. It’s not until July. I am so excited!

  4. It was a big learning curve Kim!
    I had so much writing the story originally.
    I found the editing and proofreading hard at times. I seemed to need more concentration, which has not always been easy, because these past few months have been so busy.

    Paula Light helped me find my way to Kindle Direct Publishing. Kindle Create was nice and easy to use, but we did not upload the correct version when I first published the Kindle version.

    There are lots of things I got wrong, but hopefully I managed to fix everything!

    But all the mistakes mean that Books 2 and 3 should go a lot more smoothly!
    I feel kind of empowered now that we have managed to get the book from my WordPress posts all the way to Amazon. I have an idea for a fresh novel character that I am keen to get started on and I think I might publish a poetry book. It might be a silly idea, but after I lost my little apricot February, I wrote a lot of poems to help process my emotions. It would be very indulgent, but it would be nice to have a permanent record marking that sad but significant even in my life.

  5. I think you’re right about the mistakes. You must have learnt so much. KDP sounds like the way to go, I have heard that from a few people.

    You sound like me with so many ideas! It’s funny how once you turn the tap on creativity, it starts to flow.

    A poetry collection would be great and I think, very healing. I’m going to publish a collection of flash after my novel is out.

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