Liebster Award

So I’ve been nominated for the Liebster Award by The Real Home – An Expat’s View , ah three weeks ago (oops). I don’t normally do these but I figure why not, it’s a good way to find out more about bloggers and new blogs to follow.

1. If you could invite any 5 people or things to a dinner, who would that be ? And Why?

I love that you can invite “things” but I’ll stick with people. I’d ask Diana Gabaldon, Neil Gaiman, Connie Willis, Terry Pratchett and Graham Norton, to keep conversation light.

2. One noble deed that you have done ?

I saved our pup’s life. He was heading straight down the bank into the water race so I climbed down after him and pulled him up by the collar. The kids thought I was cool, anyway.

3. Which crazy thing that you want to do but you know you can never do it ?

Just pack up and head for a remote place for a week to write and read and swim. I have too many responsibilities: house, kids, dog. Kazuo Ishugiro calls it a ‘crash’.

4. Your Favourite top 3 movies ?

The Princess Bride

Blade Runner

Harry Potter series

5. If you could have your own start-up business, what would that be ?

Highly original, but a really quirky little second-hand bookshop with shelves right up the walls, coffee and art.

6. Music Lover or Food Lover or both ?

I’d like to say music lover only but we’d all know that was a lie! I love both.

7. One habit that you would love to get rid of ? OR One habit that you would like to develop ?

I’d like to write for some time each day, even if it’s 10 minutes!

8. What would you prefer ? Going back in time and changing something or going ahead in time and exploring your future ?

There are a lot of things I’d like to change in my past – the first thing that comes to mind would be to get a working travel visa for Europe before I was thirty.

9. Dream Vacation ?

France, Greece, Croatia

10. Favourite songs (Top 3) ?

Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen

Jeremy by Pearl Jam

Romeo and Juliet by Mark Knopfler

11. Have you ever been on a vacation, alone ?

Nope, the closest would be work trips to other cities.

I nominate:

Penny Hooper

Beautiful Babel

Sons Over The Yardarm

Please do check them out. And if I nominated you, know that it is a compliment. No pressure to partake at all.

Your questions are:

  1. If you could have any job, what would it be?
  2. Your best book?
  3. What is your best blog post?
  4. Which one celebrity would you go on a coffee date with?
  5. What is your dream holiday?
  6. Your top 3 favourite movies?
  7. Do you write to music? Why or why not?
  8. What would you prefer ? Going back in time and changing something or going ahead in time and exploring your future ?
  9. How many languages do you speak?
  10. Why did you start blogging?
  11. Do you prefer poems that rhyme or not?

2 thoughts on “Liebster Award”

  1. Looking forward to reading your answers. Make sure you pingback to this post.

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